
Employee Expenses

Control of Employee Travel and Representation Expenses

Current Reality

Employees waste a lot of productive time in preparing, approving and posting expense sheets. The allocation of such employee expenses by project or cost centre is always a challenge. Despite their high aggregate amount, their analysis and reporting is poor.

Our Proposal

easyap has put at its clients' disposal a portal easyapIP to completely manage the process of trip management and employee expenditure.

A quickly implemented, low maintenance solution that covers expense reporting, approval based on the company policies and its later automatic recording in the business management system.

Benefits | Employee Expenses

  • Significant increase in productivity with the consequent cost savings
  • Improvement in analysis capacity, allow the detection of areas of possible improvement
  • Application has built in support for internal policies
  • Real cost provisioning
  • Minimize the risk of expense non-deductibility

Expense Note Management

The expense note management process the information that goes through the following stages from the entry of expense notes by users via web until the later notification of the employees. For more information click the desired link.

What is easyap Employees?

An online platform for preparing employee and representation expenses which covers the complete process from trip request to its booking and payment including the steps of auditing and approval entry.

Who is it for?

To companies of all sizes wishing to avoid wasting their employee's time justifying internal expenses and improve and optimize their accounting processes.

Why use it?

  • Cost savings of upto 45%
  • No startup investment.
  • Variable cost depending on number of notes processed.

Employee Spending Management Highlights

Creation of output/accounting file

Avoiding duplications is possible, using the data completed by the user when filling in the expense note, an importable file is created within the accounting system. There are various formats and files.

Cost Control

Finally, it is possible to implement an adequate control in line with the internal rules related to costs, amounts, professional category and without depending on the subjective criteria of the del reviewer/approver.

Access and registration from any device

With an internet connection and any browser. Images taking using mobile devices (receipt photos) sent by email are enough to create notes, using the image as proof in any of the process stages.

Approval Workflow

The expense sheets will be automatically assigned for review (approved/rejected) based on easily parameterizable rules, which allow multiple levels of approval with "and" / "or" conditions.

Workflow with different stages

Allow the participation in approval and accounting. Participation in steps prior to the processing stage of the trip application/ reservation. Complete visibility by the financial area.

Upload credit card charges

Creating draft notes for review and processing. Complete conciliation of the employee travel and representation expenses with account charges via credit card.

Event register for auditing purposes

Pending task control and follow up by ageing.


Follow-up reports and measuring of the critical variables of the process.

What is the Employee Spending process with easyei?

easyapIP is a web tool specifically for the efficient processing of employee expenditure in companies. Below is presented the most important steps in the processing circuit.

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A. Travel request:

1. Employee requests pre-approval for travel


1. The employee incurs an expense


B. Agency quotes the trip:

1. Flight/hotel price quotes
2. Quote validation
3. Quote acceptance

Once reserved the trip is exported directly to the accounting system or sent to the employee to included the rest of the trip expenses

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2. Registering of expense note:

  • From mobile device
  • From computer
  • Importing credit card transactions
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3. Expense Policy:

Control and application of the company expenditure policy based on category of employee, nature of cost, amount.

4. Approval/Rejection of Note:

Sheets assigned to approvers automatically based on business rules, easily parameterized
One or more approvers and according to defined sequence


5. Recording in ERP:

Automatic creation of accounting entries in client's ERP
Mapping of expense concepts to accounting accounts
As many levels of analytical accounting as required
Credit card reconciliation

6. Auditing of Notes:

Proceeded on the basis of parameterisable criteria
Fraud detection
VAT recovery

Highlighted Features ...

  • Formal Validations transactions are validated prior to submission to the relevant tax office.
  • Error management workflow first and second level rejection processing
  • Mapping and Logical adaptation of coding according to the requirements of the relevant Tax Agency.
  • Feedback from the Accounting System based on responses received (transactional control)​
  • Online consultation of data reported to the corresponding Tax Agency and verified consultation.
  • Possibility to manage modifications and elimination management​
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