Online Tax Filing


Current Reality

On 1 July 2017, the compulsory phase of the Immediate Supply of Information (SII) for filing VAT returns via the Tax Agency's Electronic Headquarters came into force, and on 1 January 2018 it came into force for the Regional Councils. There is also SILICIE (Immediate Supply of Special Tax Accounting Books).

On 1 January 2022, the TicketBai initiative for the online submission of invoices in the provincial councils will come into force.

Similar initiatives also exist in the rest of Europe such as Portugal SAPF-PT as well as in France which will be mandatory from January 2023.

The filing of VAT registration forms is phased out, as is the compilation of VAT registration books.

All of the Company's invoices are affected, including invoices issued, received and receipts.

The requirements for sending Tax Information must be complied with, which must be sent through the "WEB Service" of the corresponding E-Office by means of certified transactions with electronic signature. The monitoring, acceptance and/or rejection of records and forms sent is carried out via the same channel.

Our proposal - Online Tax Filing

easyap makes the easyei portal available to its customers as a binding element for sending invoice information to the tax office. Regardless of the customer's ERP/accounting system or the number of systems, easyap maps and categorises invoice information according to the technical/functional requirements of the AEAT. No specific development is necessary, easyap adapts to the information model of each client.

Benefits - Taxes Online

  • Outsourcing of the task. Optimisation of internal systems resources
  • Variable cost per transaction
  • Irrespective of the client's accounting system and regulatory changes
  • Formal Validations transactions are validated prior to submission to the relevant tax office.
  • Error management workflow first and second level rejection processing
  • Mapping and Logical adaptation of coding according to the requirements of the relevant Tax Agency.
  • Feedback from the Accounting System based on responses received (transactional control)​
  • Online consultation of data reported to the corresponding Tax Agency and verified consultation.
  • Possibility to manage modifications and elimination management​

What is the tax filing process with easyei?

easyei allows you to adapt to the regulations of each of the corresponding Tax Agencies AEAT, Haciendas Forales, Autoridades tributárias e aduaneira Portuguesa with the new VAT and Invoicing management system based on real time information of commercial transactions.


1. Issuing of Invoices:

The invoices are issued in the accounting system/ERP in the normal way.

Recording of provider invoices

The posting of supplier/vendor invoices is done following the current processes without requiring any changes.


2. Receipt of the invoice registers

Records are transferred to the easyei portal.
a. Flexible communication protocols via web services and/or file transfer.
b. Adaptable to any ERP

3. Categorization of invoices based on the Spanish Tax office regulation

Prior to submission to the corresponding tax office
Notification to users

Assignment of task to person with resolution capability
Management of incident resolution SLAs

Categorisation of invoices based on the corresponding Tax Agency regulations
Allocation of coding based on business rules


4. Transfer digitally signed

The transfer is signed by client or by the portal certificate.

5. Transfer of records to the Tax Agency's electronic office

The fields of the invoicing records specified by the corresponding Tax Agency are sent.
Acceptance or rejection.
Notification to the customer via Workflow in the event of rejection.

6. Return Receipt

Option to update the records with the acceptance/rejection of the relevant Tax Agency.

7. Custody of Sent Registers and State

If you do not wish to receive status information in the ERP, the records and their status are stored in the easyei portal for consultation during the agreed period.

Distinguishing Features

The easyEI platform allows the transfer of transactions in accordance with SII regulations to the AEAT and SII and Regional Tax Authorities in a secure and unattended manner. Among others, we highlight the following functionalities:

Interfaces and Formats
Standard Interface as specified by Tax Agencies
Simplified Interface easyap format XML, TXT, XLS
Format 340
Adaptation to any format of the Customer's ERP
Loading transactions
File transfer via FTP, sFTP or FTPs or online via Web Services
Securisation VPN communication, source-based firewall policy ...
Communication client-easyap / easyap-client
Validations and Workflow exceptions
Form validations based on format and dependencies (valid NIFs, correct encoding characters supported ...)
Second level arithmetic validations
Additional business validations based on input information
Blocking the sending of erroneous transactions
Exception reporting based on business rules, (type of error, type of scrap, type of transaction ...)
Events and Notifications
Registration of all events: type of event, date, user ...
Configuration of notification to user depending on event level
Transactional traceability
Mapping and Logic
AEAT coding mapping based on input data
Elimination and modification logic based on data received
Registering, Deregistering, and Modified Entry Log Process
Possibility of online registration, deregistration and modification via WEB
Online transactions inquires directly to AEAT (Record contrasting)
Dashboard by period
Online access for the agreed time of the transactions
Search for transactions by various criteria
System requirements
Internet access
Single point of contact and online help

Integrated Solution and independent of client's ERP

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